seriously. i mean, honestly. who is letting this child walk around with her face painted like this? i mean, ha ha, taylor, it was cute at first, yeah yeah you are all goth like and punk rock, very funny. now you are just scaring me. this needs to stop.
i will admit to going through my own "goth" phase when i was about your age, and i wore gray lipstick and didn't wear anything that didn't have holes in it and i acted all tormented and all that crap, but i wasn't fooling anyone. and looking back at the pictures of me in that phase now...god, all i can think is WHAT WAS I THINKING??? why did i feel the need to be so miserable? i read somewhere that taylor blames her parents for making her work from such a young age, and that's why she's so unhappy and dark, but i do not buy that for one second. you want to rebel against mommy and daddy? FINE. just find a way to do it that doesn't make you look like roadkill. this is so above and beyond awful that i can't even bring myself to continue posting photos of her as examples of what not to do. just don't do this. ever. and until taylor goes back to being her cute pretty self, this is the last time i will even mention her name. you hear that, taylor momsen? you are DEAD TO ME!
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