So, sadly, it would seem that the end of lazy summer days are upon us…or at least you, because I have been working 9-5, Monday-Friday pretty much every day of my life for the last ten years. I still don’t know why “grown ups” don’t get summer vacation, but that’s another post. It’s back to school time!!! I know you must be so incredible excited, since you totally finished all your summer reading way ahead of time, and you can’t wait to use that new protractor you just got, right?? All that excitement aside, I have just a few back to school beauty ideas, do with them as you will:
-If you can’t wear makeup to school: Honestly, no one is going to notice some translucent powder so that one’s a freebie. Vaseline, oddly enough, is great on lashes when you can’t wear mascara. It gives them a shiny look which will make them stand out a bit more than if you weren’t wearing any at all, just dip your finger in the jar and very lightly apply to the tips of your lashes (I hope it’s not necessary for me to tell you to keep it out of your eyes cause it will not feel good). Clear mascara also gives about the same effect. Tinted lip balm is not technically makeup, and you can tell your principal I said that. So, put some of that on and you will be moisturized and have a bit of color, too.
-If you’re allowed makeup at school: DON’T. GO. OVERBOARD. I do this all the time, and I certainly did when I was a teenager – you stock up on a whole bunch of new products and you want to wear it all, immediately, at one time. Stop. This is not necessary. If you want to make a good impression on the first day, you want to look like yourself. Remember that boys are not the only ones checking you out, you also have a whole new round of teachers to leave an impression on. Keep your look simple, brush a neutral shade over your lids and use a mid tone (not super light but not black or a very dark brown, either) in the corners to emphasize your eye shape. Liner on the top lash line (black or brown…save the color for the weekend or special occasion), but again, you are not Amy Winehouse (and judging from the tabloids, I don’t think you want to be), so let your natural beauty and features be what people notice, NOT the fact that you have on more eyeliner than Pete Wentz.
-Throw a gloss or balm into your bag so you can reapply during the day, or a powder compact if you have a tendency to get shiny. Those oil-absorbing sheets also work really well for taking excess oil off without messing up your makeup. I would advise against in-class application, though. Just a thought.
-Clean out your makeup bag before school starts and toss anything that’s old. Need some guidelines? Start here. This is a great time to get some new shadows and liners. Just remember to keep your color palatte neutral for school!
It’s always sad to see another summer come to an end…but there’s always Thanksgiving and Christmas break to look forward to!
-If you can’t wear makeup to school: Honestly, no one is going to notice some translucent powder so that one’s a freebie. Vaseline, oddly enough, is great on lashes when you can’t wear mascara. It gives them a shiny look which will make them stand out a bit more than if you weren’t wearing any at all, just dip your finger in the jar and very lightly apply to the tips of your lashes (I hope it’s not necessary for me to tell you to keep it out of your eyes cause it will not feel good). Clear mascara also gives about the same effect. Tinted lip balm is not technically makeup, and you can tell your principal I said that. So, put some of that on and you will be moisturized and have a bit of color, too.
-If you’re allowed makeup at school: DON’T. GO. OVERBOARD. I do this all the time, and I certainly did when I was a teenager – you stock up on a whole bunch of new products and you want to wear it all, immediately, at one time. Stop. This is not necessary. If you want to make a good impression on the first day, you want to look like yourself. Remember that boys are not the only ones checking you out, you also have a whole new round of teachers to leave an impression on. Keep your look simple, brush a neutral shade over your lids and use a mid tone (not super light but not black or a very dark brown, either) in the corners to emphasize your eye shape. Liner on the top lash line (black or brown…save the color for the weekend or special occasion), but again, you are not Amy Winehouse (and judging from the tabloids, I don’t think you want to be), so let your natural beauty and features be what people notice, NOT the fact that you have on more eyeliner than Pete Wentz.
-Throw a gloss or balm into your bag so you can reapply during the day, or a powder compact if you have a tendency to get shiny. Those oil-absorbing sheets also work really well for taking excess oil off without messing up your makeup. I would advise against in-class application, though. Just a thought.
-Clean out your makeup bag before school starts and toss anything that’s old. Need some guidelines? Start here. This is a great time to get some new shadows and liners. Just remember to keep your color palatte neutral for school!
It’s always sad to see another summer come to an end…but there’s always Thanksgiving and Christmas break to look forward to!
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